Guides, Templates, and Webinars

Request for Proposal: Matter Project - Long Form Sample 

05-18-2020 13:31

This guided RFP template can be used to inquire about subject matter expertise for a new matter from a law firm or service provider that you have not worked with previously. 

This document includes suggested language for Conflict Check, Scope of Work/Description of Matter, Contractual Terms, Pricing, Team, Assumptions, Exclusions, and Why Your Firm/ Competitive Advantage. 

It is important for you to extensively gather the requirements and expectations for the work or project to properly create a scope of work and detailed questions to be asked of the responding firms, or providers. Review the Request For Proposal - Resource Overview for more information on how to set yourself up for success. 


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2 Files
docx file
Matter-Project-_-Long-Form-Nov2019.docx   105 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-18-2020
pdf file
Request-for-Proposal-Resource-Overview.docx.pdf   225 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 05-27-2020

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